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████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:5,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:5,000 ]

lt's the arms race between
them that over millions of years

has produced today's extraordinary
diversity of form

Jacks are one of the key
predators on the reef

Their weapon is speed

They seek silversides
and their defence is to congregate

in confusing shoals of
shimmering silver

The Jacks try to deal with that by
herding the silversides onto the reef

Here the Jacks have a better chance

of separating individual
fish from the shoal

The Jacks can now catch the isolated
individuals with lightning attacks

lt's far safer to be hidden
on the reef itself,

within the tunnels of a sponge,
for example

These tiny shrimp are no bigger
than grains of rice

These shrimps are unique

lt's recently been discovered that

they have a highly sophisticated
social system, similar to that of bees

All members of the colony are
the offspring of one female

She is the queen and the only
one to produce eggs

As in a colony of bees,

different individuals are
specialised for particular tasks

Some are guards and are armed
with particularly large and powerful claws

They are on watch at all times,
ready to tackle intruders

A polychaete worm

For it a sponge is an
excellent hunting ground

ln such a maze of tunnels, attack can
come at any time from any quarter

Once the guards are alerted
the worm loses its advantage

Better to retreat intact,
than risk serious injury

The sponge not only makes a safe
home for the shrimps,

it also supplies them with food,
so that they never need venture outside

And establishment that provides for all
their needs is clearly well worth defending

Just as shrimps guard their home,
other animals defend their hunting grounds

Glassfish make tempting prey
for the redmouth grouper

lts strategy is to swim
slowly amongst them

until they no longer
see it as a threat

There are other fish here, too

Lionfish are ambush predators,

taking their time and watching
for the right moment

But there isn't room here
for two predators


specialised ['speʃəlaɪzd] adj. 专门的;特别的(等于specialized) v. 使专门化;专攻;详细说明(specialise的过去分词) { :5113}

herding ['hɜ:dɪŋ] n. 集中畜群;畜牧 v. 聚在一起;牧放(herd的ing形式) n. (Herding)人名;(德)赫尔丁 { :5174}

offspring [ˈɒfsprɪŋ] n. 后代,子孙;产物 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5729}

reef [ri:f] n. 暗礁;[地质] 矿脉;收帆 vt. 收帆;缩帆 vi. 缩帆;收帆 {cet6 toefl :6352}

claws [klɔ:z] n. 爪子(claw的复数) v. (用爪或钳)抓(claw的第三人称单数形式) { :6934}

maze [meɪz] n. 迷宫;迷惑;糊涂 vt. 迷失;使混乱;使困惑 n. (Maze)人名;(英)梅兹;(法)马兹 {toefl gre :7688}

sponge [spʌndʒ] n. 海绵;海绵状物 vt. 抹掉;用海绵擦拭;讨得 vi. 采集海绵;过寄生生活;海绵般地吸收 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :7966}

intruders [ɪnˈtru:dəz] n. 未请自入者,闯入者(尤指企图行窃者)( intruder的名词复数 ) { :8613}

shimmering ['ʃɪmərɪŋ] adj. 闪烁的;微微发亮的 v. 闪耀(shimmer进行式) { :9903}

ambush [ˈæmbʊʃ] n. 埋伏,伏击;伏兵 vt. 埋伏,伏击 vi. 埋伏 {toefl gre :11303}

congregate [ˈkɒŋgrɪgeɪt] vi. 聚集 adj. 集合在一起的 vt. 聚集 {toefl gre :12537}

shoals [ʃəʊlz] n. [地理] 浅滩(shoal的复数形式);[水文] 沙洲 v. 变浅;使驶进浅水区(shoal的第三人称单数) n. (Shoals)人名;(英)肖尔斯 { :12753}

shoal [ʃəʊl] n. 浅滩,沙洲;鱼群;潜在危险 vi. 变浅 vt. 使变浅;驶入 adj. 浅的 {ielts gre :12753}

grouper ['gru:pə] n. 石斑鱼;鲶科鱼;鲈科之鱼 { :23183}

ln [ ] abbr. 自然对数(Napierian Logarithm);液态氮(Liquid Nitrogen) { :28828}

lionfish ['laɪənfɪʃ] n. 狮子鱼 { :37295}

polychaete ['pɒlɪki:t] n. 多毛类环虫;多毛动物 adj. 多毛纲的 { :41073}

silversides ['sɪlvəsaɪdz] n. 银河鱼 { :46332}

predators [p'redətəz] [动] 捕食者 [动] 食肉动物(predator的复数) { :4699}

glassfish [ ] [网络] 应用服务器;玻璃鱼;安装配置

LTS [ ] abbr. lights (供食用的)家畜的肺脏; long-term store 长期存储

redmouth ['redmaʊð] 大口水牛鱼, 红口石鲈

a sponge [ ] [网络] 海绵;是海绵;一块海绵

Lightning Attack [ ] 《英文msh词典》Lightning Attack [入口词] Lightning Attack [主题词] Spasms,Infantile [英文释义] An epileptic syndrome characterized by the triad of infantile spasms,hypsarrhythmia,and arrest of psychomotor development at seizure onset. The majority present between 3-12 months of age,with spasms consisting of combina

Lightning Attacks [ ] 《英文msh词典》Lightning Attacks [入口词] Lightning Attacks [主题词] Spasms,Infantile [英文释义] An epileptic syndrome characterized by the triad of infantile spasms,hypsarrhythmia,and arrest of psychomotor development at seizure onset. The majority present between 3-12 months of age,with spasms consisting of combi

polychaete worm [ ] [网络] 浮蚕;多毛纲动物;多毛虫

with lightning [ ] 一瞬眼;闪电似的;飞快地;风驰电掣地

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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